Vote: Biden and Warren are on the same page in California

According to a new poll released by the California Public Policy Institute on Tuesday, former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are on a par with junior high schools in California.

Polls show that Biden is currently supported by 24% of the major Democrats, and Warren is supported by 23% of the same respondents. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ranked third with 17%, while other candidates did not break double digits.

Nine percent of people are still not sure who they will support in the March game.

Both Biden and Warren have consolidated their position in opinion polls by leading the demographics that traditionally support demographics. Biden's male advantage is 30% to 18%, 45-year-old and above voters have an advantage of 31% to 18%, Warren's female advantage is 26% to 19%, and 18-year-old voters have an advantage of 30% to 10%. 44.

Probably the main voters have said to a large extent that they put the candidate's ability to defeat President Trump in the general election above the ideological agreement. 55% of potential voters said that the nomination seems to be the most likely to beat Trump's candidate, and 36% said the nominee is important to have a position on the issue closest to its issue.

California is one of several states that held primary and pre-trials on March 3. It was called "Super Tuesday" due to the large number of nomination contests held that day. The Golden State will allocate up to 495 delegates based on the results of the main constituencies, making the competition a leader in consolidating its position or middle-level candidate's primary position.

The poll was a warning sign for California Senator Kamala Harris (D), who conducted a poll in 8% of the state.

The California Public Policy Institute's poll conducted a survey of 682 potential voters from November 3 to 12 with a margin of error of 5.1%.