Donald Trump's staff let him agree with the policy that "Obama will not do this"

Military officials were assaulted by Donald Trump agreeing to be besieged in Yemen, suggesting that Barack Obama would never have had the courage to do it, according to reports.

The attack was planned to kill 30 civilians and a US Navy seal two months before Trump arrived at the oval office, but failed to kill Al Qaeda leader Al Qasim Rimi.

Trump attacked a suspected Al-Qaeda camp in a remote village in Bayda province, central Yemen, on Jan. 29, the first military operation of Trump. The White House commander insisted that it was "the success of all standards".

Trump claims that Obama likes him, but may not recognize it as "

Donald Trump is not in the situation room for 'botched' Yemen attacks
It is unclear how Al Rimi escaped, or he was on the scene at the time of the attack, but later released a video that accused Mr. Trump of being a "fool."

Obama was reportedly told to kill al Rimi's plan, which took over control of the terrorist group Yemen's coalition in 2015, but his adviser hoped to wait until a moonlit night did not occur until after he left the New York Times "Reports.

They suggested al Rimi's death would be to "change the rules of the game" against al-Qaeda, according to senior White House officials.
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A senior US intelligence official told NBC News that once the raid started, "almost everything went wrong", the target house's people had been warned of their presence - probably the barking of dogs, unmanned aerials or walkie-talkies and Violence quickly fires on the ground.

Chief Security Officer William "Ryan" Owens SEAL 6 team was fatal, later revealed that an eight-year-old US citizen Nawr al Awlaki, the daughter of American-born Al Qaeda leader Anwar al Awlaki, was also killed in the attack.

Despite allegedly not killing their target, who is described as the world's third most wanted terrorist, the Pentagon insists that it can retrieve "materials and information that are generating valuable information."