Two Indian nationals, linked to the ongoing India, Zimbabwe ODI series rights holders in venues where one person has been arrested on suspicion of rape charges in Harare, said the local police. The two defendants were identified as Krishna Nasa Diyanala Yang, who is associated with ITW sports, Rajkumar Kelixinan based Zambian businessman. Satya Narayan Yang works as a consultant iTeamWorks, affiliates of ITW. June 11 press release Zimbabwe cricket has described him as one of the founders ITW movement.
Satya Narayan Young and Kelixinan at Meikles Hotel, where the rape allegedly occurred staying, police said. The hotel also features the Indian cricket team, through a website link cricketer to an alleged incident led to early speculation - the report was rejected by the officials.
Indian cricket training camp, at the same time, a collective sigh of relief to those facing rape charges after being confirmed identity. Cricketers spent the day volleying home from the following website report awkward questions and a telephone. They were told that the problem sorted out, when they spend the afternoon watching the film after arrival at their hotel, you can see me 2.
Many Indian camp that has been repeatedly found in the ground and Satya Narayan Young and in the hotel.
"Thank God it sorted now. Some of us do not even know such a thing had happened. So, when we started getting calls from back home, we are shocked," an Indian player, anonymity conditions of.
"Some of my friends called me and said, 'Ye KYA KAR hoarse. I was really angry. It is very annoying when the media operation and other baseless story, do not know the fact that it has an impact on our , "said another cricket.
Charity Charamba, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), said two Indians faced woman Zimbabwe on Friday morning based on a complaint of rape allegations.
"Two Indian nationals, Krishna Nasa Diyanala Yang, aged 33, Rajkumar and Kelixinan accused of rape arrested. The girl was headquartered in South Africa and attended the Harare funeral. she lived in the same hotel as the two and claimed that she was raped them. the police have confirmed that the woman was raped two defendants were brought to court, remanded in custody yesterday. they will apply for weeks in the High court a Bail, "Charamba told the Indian Express.
Mora Aires Rini Wasan, CEO of the Massachusetts border, with ITW as one of its arms, he said he had heard about the incident on suspicion of involvement in Satya Narayan Yang. "He is not from our company. He is from our affiliated company (iTeamWorks), one of this company's trading activities on the ground. I heard that he was harassed on charges of alleged arrests," Siliniwa Sang told the Indian Express.
iTeamWorks, titled "obscene Zimbabwe case" e-mail, the incident shocked. "We are at this stage, trying to understand the nature of the case facts and allegations. We will provide all-round cooperation, the relevant authorities," the statement said.