Saturday, 5 March 2016


Donald Trump and the Super Tuesday Hillary them listed on a collision course this fall. Clinton makes a strong favorite gaming market, because Trump high unfavorables, his provocative views on ethnic minorities, and in fact, members of his own party seems eager to deny him. But Trump's big strategic advantage and make him quite a lot of danger in the general election than people seem to think.

After all the ink spilled and pixels 2016 election coverage, Super Tuesday confirmed the opinion polls have told us for months: we are giants towards conflict between Trump and Bill Clinton. If these numbers hold the truth again, which seems Trump will have a tough, but not insurmountable, climb the best Clinton, and he could wind up the chance of one of the biggest losers in presidential history.

On the surface, each candidate seems to be very suitable for others. Trump represents the face of a shortage of character and lovable Clinton suddenly is just the opposite - only Donald can be converted in the United States one of the most controversial figures as "kindness and  love" candidate. Trump  face Clinton let him money in political attacks, providing a bounty of material to promote his ad hominem attacks, and to help turn out who otherwise might stand idly by conservative voters. (Whether Trump, Bill Clinton did not respond to request for comment activity).

Early figures for Clinton's advantage. Clinton summed up head to head poll Trump beat 3 to 4 minutes, Trump's news division, it seems there is little cross-appeal. Recent trends Economiste number in his favor. First, his general unpredictability.

Trump has telegraphed some of his offensive line has. You can bet that Clinton will feel the burn and donor class more from her Wall Street connections   Bernie Sanders- Trump himself if one of the donors, Northeastern University professor Daniel Urman nothing else to say, because. "He can even his own wedding as evidence that Hillary and Bill photos, they had to do the" donor services' work. "And not only that Stoke start watching Fox News base is obsessed cadres special interests surrounding the Clintons, but it allows Trump cast himself in Ross Perot or Michael Bloomberg..

Fighting free trade

Trump is also possible to do some channel Perot Republican candidates have not been in a position for a long time to do: challenge the Democrats to free trade. This could be who was involved in the birth of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organization Bill, but Trump will ensure Hillary carrying luggage, all at the same time he fears predator taking American jobs immigrants.

This populist issues will be the best choice to attract working-class white voters in the Midwest and Rust Belt Key Trump. This is not unrealistic: working-class families with incomes below $ 75,000 per year in December Trump survey showed 38 percent support, compared with Clinton and Sanders combined. Also, if Trump does not turn out a lot of white non-university education, while maintaining the traditional Republican voters, Jude Barry, a political consultant in strategy catapult, told OZY, then Clinton would have at the same rate as Barack Obama turn out black voters - a daunting task.

Luggage belt out

Baggage, Schmidt said he hoped Trump embrace simmering scandal Clinton and her e-mail and Benghazi, and inject new vitality into the languishing skeleton Clinton wardrobe. Is a replica of the old Clinton scandal effectively neutralize Bill, let him on the sidelines, because he Gore in 2000? Topping all closed, fuzzy policy stance Trump made him very flexible - all ready etch sketch mother reset because he retools Clinton.

To be sure, some Democrats can comfort beyond Trump estranged hostile things. This is not the first time Bill and Hillary went enclosure, if anyone can bully play hard, this is the Clinton machine. Moreover, with Carly and Megyn Kelly Trump show raid, it will be harder he attacked a woman, especially in front of the general electorate.