The owner of automobile vehicle has various types of risks is exposed. These risks fall into two groups: first, loss, or damage or destroy the car itself, and then on the second, which is being hit by the loss of use, ownership may be for others to pay for the maintenance of the vehicle.
The first type of risk can be further classified as follows:
(I) the destruction by fire, internal or external origin.
(Ii) theft.
(C) hit by the conflict, with some other objects, moving through or correction or crash.
(Iv) damage to another vehicle glass breakage, such as by a flood loss, or while being transported.
The second type of risk to third parties arising out of road accidents caused by the use of a motor vehicle is the responsibility of the insured. Liability for death or bodily injury or property damage. Risk also varies depending on the vehicle class, eg, a passenger automobile liability for death or injury, or to carry passengers or property damage liability of a common carrier may be toss.
Motor Insurance
Those who are exposed to the risk of a car owner himself with an insurance company against all or some of them can not get insured. Personal nature, relating to the risk that third parties, arising out of use of the vehicle in a public place or by death or bodily injury caused to any person in respect of any liability, the owner has no alternative but to confirm the cause of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, he was in a public place without a motor insurance policy you can not use the car. Similarly, he has been appointed employ or otherwise of driving a motor vehicle or being carried in respect of death, bodily injury or workmen's compensation with the provisions of an insurance policy to cover any liability arising out of the vehicle Act, 1923 in accordance. It can be seen that a third person is the owner and his driver will take an insurance policy to cover its legal liability. Risk of third-party insurance compulsory motor insurance is unique to this factor. It is a matter of national policy. So, as far as other risk factors are concerned, that freedom is not guaranteed, but it is in his interest; And generally the owners to insurance against the risk of the above. The insurance company that insured the well insured against the risk of loss arising out of a particular policy will have to pay the premium to be agreed to.
You can combine a variety of risks insured under the policy. Now a days, under a single policy issued to cover a wide variety of risks. The company can not be insured with All risks. Usually the risk of fire, fire, theft and liability insurance is written by the companies was written entirely by the company. Violence and property damage coverage is divided between the two countries. When a general control over the two companies, the adjustment policies to cover all risks. However, many companies and general insurance business under one policy that can cover all of the risks in the company, as there is no distinction.
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