Taekwondo in Nevada caucus and South Carolina primary school happened, explain

In the South Carolina Republican early 2016 election may be remembered as the moment the Bush dynasty died. Super PAC spending has squandered nearly $ 100 million on his behalf, Jeb Bush noted that South Carolina is less than eight percent of the votes, fourth. He had previously taken the Fifth Iowa and New Hampshire fourth. He will not be his father and brother's footsteps into the Oval Office in accordance with the reality of combat Jeb difficult, because he gave up Saturday night: "Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina people, I really very respect their decision, "Bush said, choking back tears. "So, tonight I suspend my campaign." He finished four representatives of the Republican Congress. Here's everything you need from Saturday in the Nevada Democratic caucus and the South Carolina Republican primary will know.
I guess, Mission accomplished. But no South Carolina should promote Jeb's comeback?
Jeb exit strategy in the campaign to a sharp reversal of the high-heeled shoes; he was in South Carolina Bush accepted his family's name, and even with his brother, George · W · Bush campaign. The campaign Jeb had hoped to rekindle some love of South Carolina in 2000, when the country-driven Dunya past shown McCain family.
But the campaign has also decided to open a family heritage Republican leader, Donald Trump, blasting the 43rd President of the wound Jeb door - accused of lying to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, George · W · and neglect, No prevent the attacks of September 11.

Republican voters did not punish Trump's voice sounds a bit like Michael Moore?
And they do not seem to oppose anything, he said last week, either. Trump has used the last few days of the South Carolina campaign with a variety incongruously: Like family planning, to defend the individual mandate of Obamacare, pick up the battle with the Pope, and promised to renew terror suspects because " torture works "waterboarding and repetition, praise, who fell in with the pig in the Philippines in general apocryphal story of the slaughter of dozens of bullet Muslim prisoners.
In contrast, South Carolina voters reward Trump with almost a third of the popular vote - and the state's Republican Congress all 50. Although not the most sought presidential election candidate, or who share their values (Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz respectively those associates,) first choice candidate voters Trump win big . Trump voters looking for a candidate who "can bring needed change" and those just looking for a politician who among the big winners, "tell it like it is."
Now cruising to the Nomination So is Trump?
In a normal year, Trump would be a lock. Everyone who won the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries for the nomination at the Republican Party has. Trump card to attract both moderate and evangelical capacity significantly segment of Republican voters made him a strong position.
We have a "no trump" candidate? Who came in second?
The rest of the Republican Party is still a house divided. In a small voice, Marco Rubio edged Ted Brosnan Crewe Carolina has chosen not ace, but each took about 22% of the vote. Together and "Marco Rubio," we will win on Saturday night. But as Rubio and Cruz basically tied for second, with both to the prospective victory speech, it did not seem destined to exit quickly.
Of the two, Rubio is most likely to benefit from Jeb Bush's departure. But even here the math is not so simple. Who took more than seven percent of the vote Saturday night - - and now seems determined to hang around, at least until the delegate-rich Ohio and Michigan, the battle is decided to support the moderate base by Ohio Gov. Jeb may be John Casey Qi has been split.
Let us turn to the Democrats. Clinton won the Nevada caucuses, is not it?
Clinton put her best performance of the 2016 election, won Bernie Sanders, the late surge less clear victory. Clinton won more than five percentage points, and took a commission battle 19-15, according to the Associated Press.

Whether Clinton has her groove back?
Clinton's victory speech there are some sharp her campaign message in the clearest viewfinder. This line - Mixed bit Kennedyesque requirements - not - what - your - your country can do to change the election Sanders love what is right is called "free stuff" criticism of rhetoric - is amazing: "I hope you think about it, "Clinton said. "It can not just that we intend to give you something. It must be that we want to set up."
What is the key to her victory?
Entrance polls show clearly that Clinton's "firewall" African-Americans hold strong, three-quarters of black voters caucusing her.
Results of exit polls show that the remaining differences between the now familiar. The gap remains strong, with 75% of voters Sanders won in 45 years, Clinton won 66 percent of voters over 45.
It sounds like Sanders wait a winning formula. Do young people do not show up?
The following is from Nevada Sanders worst news: his "political revolution," the idea is for young people and voters are less likely to turn up in record numbers premise. But the election in Nevada on Saturday is not high turnout; in 2008 there have been fewer than 40,000 results in 45 years, voters tilt aging, only 37% of the electorate - only 80,000 turned out to Nevada.
What Latino voters?
If the entrance is a credible investigation, Sanders is no better among Hispanics --53-45-- than his white voters, 49-47 did. Several pointed out the number as statheads fishy, especially since heavy Las Vegas Hispanic constituency actual earnings turnaround Clinton.
Nevertheless, Sanders campaign touted victory: "We learned today is Hillary Clinton and Latino voters firewall is a myth," deputy director of the political department of Arturo Carmona said. Clinton campaign unequivocally fight back. Tourism Press Secretary Nick Merrill tweeted responded, "I do not like ships swear on Twitter, but all accounts so far, this is downright nonsense."
What does this mean for the Democratic race?

If African Americans voted 3 to 1 Clinton forward, this game will be very difficult to win Sanders. Saturday's South Carolina Democratic primary Sanders can provide a chance to prove he can make a big fight with African Americans. But the strange thing is, in his concession speech Sanders seemed all but admits in South Carolina contest, focusing instead on the back of the multi-state primary. Sanders thanked his supporters in Nevada, declared that "it is time to Super Tuesday"!