Monday, 22 February 2016

Delete Safely Old Messages and Gmail in Bulk to Free Space

Gmail is actually built on never need to delete emails principle. But the service has been kicking around since 2004, and all those old communications, chain mail and special offers have little to do, in addition to 15 GB of storage capacity count for your Google account. Fortunately, a quick search is all it takes to identify a message worth deleted.

2014/21/31 (or you for yyyy / mm / dd format like any other date), and in the search box to see, arrived in 2015, for example, e-mail: before you enter. Get rid of all them, select the whole box (upper left), choose Select All talk, and then click the Delete button, all forgotten Facebook reminders, and work documents Birthday Invitation gone.

Not only can you free up some space in your Gmail account, but also the future of search should run faster, and contains the results of more recent and relevant. Search operators older_than: engineering, as well, just add 1Y, 2M, 3D, or year you want to get any value, month, day of the relevant numbers.