Can George W. bush Save JE B?
This is the former president in this
election cycle debut, it's South Carolina Republican primary, which is depicted
as a former Jeb success or a moment to rest for a few days. US President George
W. Bush and his wife Laura and Senator Graham together packages to help 3,000
people rally in North Charleston. This proves his popularity endures in South
Carolina, it is too early to tell whether it will prove popular transfer.
Speaking for 20 minutes, Bush showed
why, despite being in Charleston comedy he repeated fly north "misunderestimated,
White Rhetoric - he is such a successful politician. Bush is a natural kind of
guy who can successfully opened his campaign speeches story about a long pig,
and he seemed happy to be back on the stump. Every other line seems to cause
either laughter or applause. He said, “Mention of his writing plans, and "They
do not think I can use it to read, let alone write!" He quipped, it was
his signature paintings are worth far more than art.
The Last Days of the Bush Dynasty?
This makes
him particularly tough action Jeb follow. And Bush continued without glasses,
is quite energetic, he technocrats unreliable behavior does not provide the
spark populist, his brother effortlessly available. Jeb moved his campaign
speeches South Carolina tone changes, including a large number of defense,
strengthen the military and overhaul VA. It Denisha Merriweather, a familiar
story Jeb end of the story: inspirational, in its way, but the long, complex,
not Bush's pith
Too many
words have been spilled in the Bush family Freudian drama, especially George,
who never should be president, and Jeb, who is the son of his son, but tensions
between seeing them on stage back to back to provide clear enough evidence, why
George served two terms, and Jeb struggled in the Republican primary persevere.
However, His little brother Bush, is
doing his best. The former president has been described as
"bewildered" by the primary process, so far, has been raised Ted
Cruz, a former Bush aide whom do not like, and Donald Trump's big mouth
businessman who actually represents the antithesis of Bush (no compassion,
fierce opposition to foreign interference, disgusted immigration, a very
different accents, as well as a successful business career). Bush tried to get
his brother seemed compelling other posibility.
president, you need sound judgment and good ideas. There is no doubt that Jeb
Bush has extensive experience in my heart, and became president of
judgment," Bush said critics reject the industry. "If the
presidential decree as part of what I call the establishment, I proudly carry
the label," he said.
There is no Obama Bernie Sanders or Hillary
Clinton or a mention, but many seem to be in direct line of sight two Cruz and